Sonic landscapes drawn from textural, electronic explorations of voice, synthesizer, and guitar. With backgrounds in classical, traditional, and religious musics, Anna’s sound encompasses choral ambience, drone and experimental pop. She relies on improvisation and looping, with a meandering, fluid sense of embodied time.

Performance at Red Eye Theater’s 2019 New Works 4 Weeks Festival, the Cowles Center for Dance & the Performing Arts, Minneapolis, MN


Electric folk ensemble that performed hybrids of music and image-driven theatre. Based in Minneapolis from 2016-2020 and directed by Anna Johnson, featuring musicians Alana Horton, Alia Jeraj, Anna Johnson, Joni Griffith, and Peter Morrow, with a rotation of guest performers in theatrical productions.

The album Slipped From A Subtle Skin was released in 2018, alongside a series of music videos


An improvisational dronepop collaboration between Anna Johnson and Matt Rahaim.

The album Accident Party was recorded over Zoom and in a backyard between 2020 and 2021. Listen on bandcamp